As autumn slowly turns into winter, it can be easy for your daily routine to fall out of sync. Shorter days, longer nights and lower temperatures are often the culprits for changing routines and as your daily life gets a little quieter — compared to the summer, at least — your body and mind can feel the changes, too. However, with a little prep and armed with the right know-how, you can continue to flourish as your body shifts gears into the winter months. Read on to find out how.
Eat Your Vitamins
During winter, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re consuming a balanced diet — and that includes your vitamins. Levels of Vitamin D, usually created when your skin is exposed to sunlight, can be replenished through your diet. Vitamin D is usually found in oily fish (salmon and mackerel, for example), eggs and orange juice. Similarly, low levels of Vitamin B12 can be associated with depression, so be sure to consume meat, fish and dairy; or, if you’re vegan, fortified foods including soya products or fortified cereal.
We’ve all heard the phrase “summer bodies are made in winter” but that doesn’t mean you should neglect preparing your body for the colder months ahead. For example, be sure to moisturise your skin regularly to avoid any dry patches and, even though the sun is no longer packing the same heat as it once did during summer, keep using SPF products to avoid sun damage on your face.
Workout Classes
One of the easiest and most rewarding ways of boosting serotonin — a feel-good chemical — is to exercise. By exercising, tryptophan is released into your blood to create serotonin and decrease the stress hormone cortisol. Don’t believe us? Book into one of our classes at your local club or on the Third Space app (iOS, Android) and see how you feel after.
Stock Up On Foods for Immunity
One of the best parts of winter is that you get to enjoy warm, nourishing dishes without overheating. This winter, be sure to stock your kitchen cupboards and refrigerator with a range of colourful foods, including leafy greens, oily fish, legumes and fruit. For example, a bioflavonoid antioxidant called quercetin has been found to have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be found in grapes, green tea, black tea, leafy green vegetables such as kale, peppers and red onion.