The Hotel Room Workout


The Hotel Room Workout

Don’t let travelling derail your progress

Being on the road isn’t easy. Eating out at restaurants can mess with your nutrition and, even when your hotel has a gym, knowing the best exercises to do when you’re squeezing workouts into a tight schedule makes life difficult. But you needn’t fall behind on your training. With smart exercise selection and playing with rep tempo you can keep moving towards your goals when you’re moving around.

“It’s a full body no weight workout for any level,” says Third Space trainer Kate Maxey. “Plus, the leg focus will increase the bang for your buck” – using the larger muscles of your lower body will ensure you build more strength and burn more calories in each workout. And remember, once you’ve completed it, you’re right next to your bed ready for a little lie down. You’ve earned it.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

1a) Elevated Split Squat

4 sets of 10 reps each side, no rest – go straight into next exercise of superset

To best work your quads, hamstrings, calves and core, the tempo of this movement should be 3secs down and 1sec up. Find something in your room that is around knee height – the seat of a desk chair will work. Rest the top of your foot back on it and take a step forward so you are in a lunge position. Lower until your front knee is at 90degress and, then drive up, squeezing your glutes.

Progression: As you come out of the lunge add an explosive jump at the top.

Regression: Perform a split squat with no rear elevation.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

1b) Step ups

4 sets of 10 reps each side, 60 seconds rest

Using the same chair or a foot rest start with one foot up on top and the other out behind you. Lower your back knee to the floor slowly over three seconds and then push explosively with your raised to drive your whole body up and come to standing on top. Step back down with one foot under control and repeat.

Progression: Get inventive, use something as a weight to add an external load.

Regression: Remove the backwards lunge out of the move and simply stand up onto an elevated object.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

2a) Side Plank

4 sets of 45 secs each side, no rest – go straight into next exercise of superset

Develop your core and whole body in this version of a side plank. Ensure that your elbow is underneath your shoulder. Lift your hips up away from the floor, imagining that you have a piece of string around your hips pulling you to the ceiling. Brace every muscle in your body as you perform this plank.

Progression: Lift your top foot off your bottom leg and squeeze your glutes.

Regressions: Revert to a traditional front plank or drop your bottom knee to the ground to offer more stability.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

2b) Single-Leg Squat Sit

4 sets of 10 reps each side, 60 seconds rest

Take your time with this exercise. Set up with one foot flat on the floor and the other extended slightly out in front of you. Keeping your torso tall, engage your core and lower yourself back onto the chair under control, using your standing leg. Ensure you keep your weight in your standing heel and sit backwards onto the seat over 3secs. Once you reach the object drive back up on one leg to standing.

Progression: Take the object away and try a single leg squat without sitting down.

Regression: Go for a two-legged squat onto the seat – slow on the way down, quick on the way up.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

3a) Triceps Press

4 sets of 10 reps, no rest – go straight into next exercise of superset

Flip round to face the chair and set up in a press-up position with your hands on the seat, close together under your shoulders. Have your legs fully extended out behind you and stay on your toes. Engage through your core and slowly lower down for 2 secs until your chest meets your hands. Keep your elbows tucked in close to the body throughout drive straight back up as quick as you can.

Progression: Reverse the set-up to have your feet on the chair and hands on the floor for a decline press.

Regression: Choose a higher object, like the desk, or alternatively drop to your knees. Ensure you have a straight line from your knees to your head.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

3b) Butterfly sit ups

4 sets of 15 reps, 60 seconds rest

Lying flat on the floor, drop your knees out to the side and bring your feet as close to your bum as possible. From here, take your hands back behind your head to touch the floor. Drive to a seated position, ensuring you push your chest forward (no rounded backs as you sit) to touch your toes, then lower down slowly to the ground again.

Progression: Lower to the ground as slow as you can or find a weight to hold in your hands.

Regression: Put your feet flat on the floor with knees to the ceiling, slowly lift your shoulders and head off the ground and lower back down. Take your time to perform this crunch to begin to train your abdominals.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

4a) Cossack Squat

3 sets of 15 reps each side, no rest – go straight into next exercise of superset

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, at about the same stance you would set up for a sumo deadlift. Everyone’s stance width is different, you can adjust it once you are in the bottom of the squat if need. Shift your weight over one foot and start to lower. You can raise your toes to the sky if you struggle with mobility. Descend into a deep lateral lunge, whilst keeping your chest upright. Stand up and repeat.

Progression: Get inventive, use something as a weight to add an external load.

Third Space The Hotel Room Workout | In The Ham Yard Hotel Soho

4b) Dips

3 sets to failure, 60 seconds rest

Finish by finding two objects that are hip height or above – make sure they are solid objects that won’t tip. Begin with arms locked out, slowly lower your body down to the ground, keeping your shoulders pulled back and core engaged. Once you have a right angle at the elbow push your body back up to a straight position.

Regression: Have one foot or both on the floor taking some weight. You can still train your dips this way, don’t allow your legs to take all your weight but use as a support system.

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