5 Photographers Who Beautifully Captured Life In Lockdown


5 Photographers Who Beautifully Captured Life In Lockdown

Capturing everything from banana breads to increasingly sought after loo-roll, rows of empty streets to unhampered wildlife, global photographers are turning their lenses inwards to share intimate new visions of life in lockdown. Though the world’s shutters are down, creativity has certainly not halted. Here are 5 photographers that have learned to fashion more with less.

5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
  1. Sonny Malhotra – @photosonny

Sonny used his one hour of exercise a day to cycle around the streets of London. His routes took him by both friends and strangers houses, where he stopped to chat through the window and to take a photograph. The result is a series of portraits of different people’s lives in isolation, telling implicit stories from friendship to fear in quarantine. The photos are a brilliant snapshot of London during the pandemic.

5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
  1. Christopher Fernandez – @chrisfernhello

London-based photographer Christopher Fernandez, has been working with his neighbours to capture intimate moments of isolation from his window. He ignited interest from neighbours by putting up a sign saying – ‘Bored? I know I am. Professional photographer looking to document your isolation from over here. DM me if interested’, and inserted his Instagram handle.

Fernandez communicated with his neighbours across balconies to discuss logistics, from timings to posing and lighting. As Fernandez reveals – ‘Any other time and I don’t think this would have turned out the same way, but in this period of quarantine, there is clearly a sense of solidarity and desire for human connection that opened people up to it’.

Fernandez is now selling his portraits with 100% of the profits going to the NHS.

5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
  1. Jon Payne – @jonpaynephoto

Payne, like many others during this time, took his hour of outdoor activity to the parks. He found beauty in the solitude of strangers. Capturing everything from peaceful moments of reflection on a park bench, to discarded face masks. The result is a gallery of beautifully eerie images.

5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
  1. Elizabeth Dranitzke – @elizfoto

Dranitzke has pursued her photography career in a new way to help give back to the community around her. She has achieved this by taking long distance portraits of families in the D.C area in exchange for a small donation to organisations like Serve Your City – a non-profit that provides support to underprivileged students. During the pandemic, Serve Your City has been delivering food and supplies to families, and is working to get students technology and internet access so that they can participate in online classes. As of May, Dranitzke had raised over $2,900 for such organisations.

5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
5 photographers who beautifully captured life in lockdown
  1. Jan Enkelmann – @janenkelmann

Stepping out of life within the home, Enkelmann has taken his work to the empty, usually crowded streets of London. He admits: ‘Looking at the set of images I have made over the last weeks, I feel this project has taken on a life of its own’. Enkelmann’s work focuses less on human presence, and more around the stillness of a city – giving the city an opportunity to reveal the beauty that often goes unnoticed.

Among many creatives currently out of work, Enkelmann has gotten involved with a campaign by artist Matthew Burrows, called #artistsupportpledge. This campaign focuses on selling prints from their Lockdown London projects to support themselves and other artists. Artists are encouraged to post images of their work to sell for no more than £200 each. Every time £1,000 of sales is reached, the artist is pledged to buy another artists work for £200. Not only is Enkelmann capturing beautiful work, but he is also supporting his industry at the same time.

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