- Any credit added to a membership account can be redeemed at all Third Space Clubs. It cannot be exchanged wholly or in part for cash. The clubs reserve the right to amend/withdraw the validity of credit without prior notification.
- Credit is valid at the following places; beauty treatments and products at our spa, Natural Fitness Food, Personal Training sessions and apparel.
- Credit cannot be used against PT by DD subscriptions, however it can be used to purchase top up sessions and packs.
- Guest passes can also be purchased with club credit.
- Credit cannot be used for the following; physiotherapy and osteopathy at Canary Wharf or against membership subscription.
- Credit and Guest Passes are non-transferable.
- Member credit is valid for 1 year.
- Please mention credit at time of booking a service.
- Referral credit: you will receive club credit for every new member who mentions your name at point of joining, however credit is not available in the following circumstances; in conjunction with any other offer, for ex-members re-joining the club within 2 years of leaving, new joiners who were previously in communication with the club, members joining together cannot refer each other and/or if they join on the same day, couples paying only one joining fee cannot refer each other. Credit is not available for referrals prior to the club opening. Memberships must be active for credit to be redeemed. Please note: Credit can take up to 2 weeks to be added to a members account once the new joiner’s membership has become active. New joiners must remain a member for a minimum of two months for credit to apply. Any unused Personal Training sessions or club credit cannot be refunded once you leave the club.
- The Company may assign the benefit of the Membership Agreement to a third party at any time without notice to the Member. A person who is not party to the Membership Agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely upon or enforce any term of the Membership Agreement.
- The Company may communicate with the Members via electronic mail (“email”) and/or by SMS as set out in our Privacy Notice.
- Members are required to leave the fitness floors 20 minutes before closing times if they wish to take a shower. Members are required to vacate swimming pool/sauna and steam room areas 20 minutes before closing times to allow them to take shower. Once a year our clubs may have to close over a weekend for general maintenance.
- Members are encouraged to give feedback, they can either do this by emailing the membership team on contact@thirdspace.london who will ensure it makes its way to the right person in order to respond, or by speaking to the club concierge team when in the club, who will do the same.
For the safety and security of staff and members, closed circuit cameras (including audio in some concierge areas) operate throughout the Clubs (except in the male and female changing rooms), underwater CCTV cameras are used for the safety of our members in our swimming pools (see our Privacy Notice for more information).
Any unlawful activity within the Club may be reviewed for possible legal action.
- Request for freezing shall be at the sole discretion of the Club.
- A minimum of seven days’ notice must be given to freeze your membership, freezes will not be accepted in retrospect.
- You cannot freeze in your first full calendar month of membership.
- There is a monthly fee of £35 to freeze your membership, this includes full access to our digital platform, which has over 700 classes and workouts.
- Payment will automatically be debited using your preferred monthly payment method instead of your regular subscription, annual members will need to pay in advance by card.
- Members can freeze their membership up to 6 months per calendar year. Minimum one month.
- Members on maternity/paternity leave may freeze their membership FOC for a maximum of 12 months.
- The minimum freeze period is one month, however you can unfreeze your membership early, minimum freeze period three weeks, by emailing contact@thirdspace.london. If you unfreeze early, the freeze fee will still be due for the month you have unfrozen in.
- Extension or amendments to your freeze must be made in writing via email or through the website.
- Freezes can only be processed when a resume date is given.
- Monthly subscription payments will recommence automatically at the end of a freeze period without additional communication. Subscription billing runs from 1st of the month. If your membership is frozen on the 1st, you will be debited the freeze fee, and your usual subscription billing will resume when your freeze ends. If your freeze does not coincide with your billing, i.e. your freeze begins on the 5th and you are billed each month on the 1st, you will be charged your standard membership fee and once your freeze starts the overpayment will be placed as a credit to off-set the period from which your freeze ends. Meaning in this example the payment covers the 1st – 4th before your freeze starts and 6th to the end of the month in which your freeze ends.
- If your membership is frozen, you may not access the club by using a guest pass, you can unfreeze your membership early, or pay the freeze visit fee which is currently £35.
- Your membership needs to be live if you wish to serve notice to cancel your membership.
- Temporary 1,3,6 month memberships cannot be frozen
- New joiners wishing to freeze must have their membership active for 1 full calendar month before the membership can be frozen
- Monthly membership cancellations must be received by the 1st of each & every month, however cannot be submitted in the same month as joining. A full calendar month’s payment is required which means a minimum of one month and a maximum of 2 months final payment will be necessary depending on the date the cancellation form is received. For example, if a cancellation form is received on the 1st May, only May will be due, however if received on 2nd May both May and June will be due.
- Requests to cancel your membership can be made through your Third Space member app, or by emailing the Central Membership team at contact@thirdspace.london. Remember, cancellations must be received by the 1st of each month and require a full calendar month’s payment. All requests must be in writing, as verbal instructions cannot be accepted. You will receive an email confirmation within two working days – until you receive this email the cancellation will not be valid.
- Membership cannot be amended whilst in the notice period. Verbal instructions to amend or cancel a membership cannot be accepted, all requests must be in writing.
- Memberships can only be cancelled if subscription collection is active.
- All member benefits that are in place at point of termination will be removed from the account and are non-redeemable. Monthly fees and/or prepaid fees are not refundable.
- Ex-members wishing to re-join the club will be asked to pay a joining fee plus any unpaid balance from the previous membership.
- Please do not send a cancellation form by post.
- Members wishing to transfer to a club that is currently in pre-sale can apply for the transfer and secure current rate by emailing contact@thirdspace.london for more information. Once transfer and membership rate will be confirmed, their membership will be transferred automatically once the club is opened.
- Founder members wishing to cancel their membership before their new club opens, can do so with a full refund, less the amount of any credit redeemed and/or any guest passes used (charged at £35 each) this may mean no refund is payable.
- The Company shall have the right to suspend or withdraw Club privileges or membership from any Member who, in their opinion, has abused privileges or conducted himself or herself in a manner deemed detrimental to the Club staff or its Members. Such expulsion or suspension shall become effective immediately and no reimbursement will be issued to such Member of the pro-rated portion of their unused monthly fees. There will be no refund of the joining fee.
- The Manager or a designee shall have complete charge of the Club whilst on duty. Members may be suspended or expelled from the Club immediately if they display conduct which is, or is likely to be in the sole opinion of the Company, injurious to the character of the Club or the interests of the Members and staff, or if they commit a serious or repeated breach of these Rules, in particular where amounts owing to the Company are unpaid.
- An expelled Member forfeits all the privileges of the membership and all rights against the Company. An expelled Member will not be entitled to any refund of their joining fee or subscription and must pay all amounts owed to the Company forthwith.
- Members and guests must warrant and represent that they are in good physical condition and capable of engaging in exercise and notify a member of the fitness team immediately in order that Member/guest notes and their programme can be updated or medical clearance obtained. If through injury or other reason, such as pregnancy, this is not the case, they must consult a doctor before engaging in exercise and that he/she knows of no medical or other reason why he/she is not able to engage in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to his/her health, safety, comfort or physical condition.
- The Member shall not use any Club facilities whilst suffering from any infectious or contagious illness, disease or other ailment or whilst suffering from a physical ailment such as open cuts, abrasions, open sores or minor infections where there is a risk that such use may be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or physical condition of other Members.
- We recommend that before using the club you familiarise yourself with the fire exits and emergency routes in case of evacuation. Please note that employees are NOT required to “seek & search” the building. Therefore it is the responsibility of each individual to follow the relevant instructions. Please note lifts will not be operational during an emergency evacuation.
- Neither the Club nor the Company will accept liability for any damage or loss to a Member’s or guest’s personal property brought into the Club’s premises.
- All activities and treatments are taken at the Member’s or guest’s own risk.
- Neither the Club, the Company nor their servants and agents shall be liable for personal injury sustained by Members or their guests whilst on the Club’s premises, except in so far as it can be proven that this relates to the wilful act, neglect or default of the Company or the Club or any servants or agents.
- Members or guests who suffer an accident or injury on the Club premises must report the accident or injury and the circumstances in which it occurred to the Duty Manager immediately following the accident or injury.
- Lockers may be available for use by Members and their guests whilst they are on the Club’s premises, subject to availability.
- Members must ensure that the contents of the daily lockers are removed at the end of their visit. Only Members who have paid to hire a permanent locker may have personal items left in their lockers overnight.
- Permanent lockers remain the property of the club and under no circumstances can be shared with another member. The club reserves the right to open lockers without the member’s permission or the member being present.
- Cancellation of permanent lockers must be made via the app by 21st of each month in order for them to cancel on the 1st of the following month.
- All bags must be kept in lockers and should not be taken into the fitness areas.
- The Company reserves the right to remove the contents from any ‘non-permanent’ locker, which has not been emptied after the visit.
- Property cleared from lockers, or left on the premises, will be held for 14 days or 48 hours for wet items. Unclaimed items are donated to charity.
- Club opening hours are fixed by the Company and are subject to change without prior notice.
- Weekend membership (where offered) admission; Friday from 2pm until Sunday closing, plus Bank Holidays.
- The Company may at any time close the Club’s premises or any part thereof, without notice, in order to; execute repairs, alterations, accommodate external events, re-decorations or otherwise, to facilitate Club programmes or on certain holidays.
- Only members of staff or a nominated 3rd party may provide personal training services within the Club.
- Members are requested to arrive at the club for appointments and studio classes 10mins before the official start time. An instructor may refuse entry if a Member arrives later than the start time, or may ask any Member to leave a class if they feel theirs, or another’s, safety or enjoyment is in jeopardy.
- Swipe into the club up to 3 hours before the start of a booked class so you are logged as attended. You can check you are marked as attended with the instructor before or after the class.
- The Company reserves the right to refuse entry to the Club’s premises at its absolute discretion. Please see our Booking Rules for more information.
- It is the Member’s or guest’s responsibility to ensure that they are capable of undergoing any activity within the Club. All activities and treatments are pursued at the Member’s own risk.
- Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the class programme, the management reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule classes after publication and at short notice. The programme may be amended during public holidays.
- Use of fitness areas and other Club facilities is at the Member’s or guest’s own risk and under their own medical advice.
- Proper attire, as determined by the Company, must be worn in the Club – this includes not going topless in the fitness areas or studios. Members are requested to wear at all times appropriate clean footwear in the fitness areas. Appropriate attire must be worn in the restaurant and/or members relaxation area. Footwear must be worn at all times.
- Members are requested to shower before entering the sauna, steam room, and/or swimming pool. Shaving or exfoliating within the sauna or steam room is not allowed.
- Members should not use the sauna or steam room if they have consumed alcohol, are pregnant, or have high blood pressure, heart conditions or other cardiovascular conditions. It is recommended to use sauna or steam for no longer than 15-20 minutes and to cool down afterwards gradually.
- Members should not use CryoSpa or Cryotherapy if they are pregnant, have conditions that can be exacerbated by cold exposure such as Raynaud’s disease, or have high blood pressure, heart conditions or other cardiovascular conditions.
- CryoSpa and Cryotherapy must be used under the guidance of a trained Third Space staff member. Members should consult their healthcare provider before trying CryoSpa or Cryotherapy.
- Pets are not allowed in the Club.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Club.
- Only food purchased from the club should be consumed within the club.
- No alcoholic beverages or drugs of any kind may be brought into the Club. Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the Club and may result in termination of membership.
- Members or guests shall not use the Club’s facilities whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the event they do so, this is entirely at their own risk.
- Mobiles may be used for phone calls in all areas of the club excluding wet areas and communal lounges, if done discreetly and in a non-disruptive manner. In the interest of member privacy, video calls are not permitted in the club. Members may only take photos or film using mobile phones on the gym floor, where a tripod is not being used, and it is done discreetly with no other members in shot. The use of professional photography or videography equipment is prohibited. Members are able to utilise any studio space which is not in use for filming. Photography and filming is prohibited in all changing rooms and wet areas.
- In the interest of safety, no glass container may be taken into any fitness areas, pool or changing areas.
- Be considerate of others; loud or abusive language will not be tolerated.
- Club property, including towels, toiletries, etc., is provided by the Club as a courtesy to its Members during Club usage only. Removal of Club property from the premises may result in the termination of membership privileges and legal action.
- Member appointments for medical centre, personal training and spa that have been booked require 24 hours’ notice when cancelling. If a Member fails to attend an appointment without providing such notice, the Club reserves the right to charge the full cost of the appointment. Please see our Booking Rules for more information.
- Members are required to leave workout areas clean and tidy. As a courtesy to other Members and for health and safety reasons, equipment needs to be replaced in the storage areas/racks provided and equipment must be wiped down after use.
- Any unused Personal Training sessions or club credit, cannot be refunded.
- Group members may be subject to staggered access to some of our clubs. Further information regarding this can be provided from a member of the team at your current home site.
- Members may bring guests to the Club on payment of the prevailing guest fee or through the use of valid member credit that can be used towards a guest pass.
- Member credit used towards a guest pass will expire within two months of purchase if not redeemed after issue or on termination of membership, unless otherwise agreed.
- Complimentary guest passes issued by Third Space may be subject to different terms and conditions, including limits on usage, which will be stipulated at point of issue.
- The Club reserves the right to limit times of guest pass usage seasonally. At present, members are restricted to bringing guests to Islington, Wimbledon, Marylebone, Battersea and Clapham Junction at the following times:
Monday – Friday: 9 am – 3 pm
Weekend: After 2 pm
Monday – Friday: No restrictions
Weekend: After 2 pm
Monday – Friday: No restrictions
Weekend: After 12 pm
Monday – Friday: 9 am – 4 pm
Weekend: After 2 pm
Clapham Junction
Monday – Friday: No restrictions
Weekend: After 2 pm
Last update: 13 February 2024 - Guest Passes for access to our Mayfair club can only be purchased, and redeemed for their guests, by members on Group Plus membership.
- All guests must be accompanied by an existing member for the entirety of their visit.
- All guests are required to register at the Concierge desk, showing valid ID – 1 guest visit constitutes 1 entry to the club.
- A guest may use the Club a maximum of 5 times in a consecutive 12 month period. After 5 such visits as a guest, they must become a Member in order to continue using the Club.
- Members may bring a maximum of 3 guests per visit, unless arrangements have been made in advance.
- All guests must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
- Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aware of, and adhere to, the Club Rules.
- The Company reserves the right to refuse admission to any guest without explanation.
- Members can also use their guest credit/pay a guest fee to use other Third Space sites up to two occasions in any consecutive 12 month period.
- Will be issued to all Members on the provision of ID and must be used to activate the entrance gates at the Concierge to enter the Club.
- Cards are non-transferable and must not be lent to, or used by, another person other than the Member. If any person other than Member the card belongs to uses the card, that Member’s membership may be terminated and no refunds of the joining fee or subscription will be given.
- The Club reserves the right to charge a fee for replacement cards.
- The Company reserves the right to retain any membership card if there has been a defaulted payment by the Member concerned.
- Definition of Annual or Temporary Membership – Annual or Temporary Memberships are pre-paid membership options that require a lump sum payment for a set duration, either annually or temporarily. The start and end dates for these memberships are fixed and non-negotiable.
- Modifications to Temporary Memberships, such as freezing, upgrading, downgrading, or altering the end date, are not permitted.
- Annual Memberships may be frozen, upgraded, or cancelled before the original end date, in accordance with the standard terms and conditions applicable to our monthly memberships.
- Members must be at least 18 years of age.
- Members shall pay when applicable a non-refundable joining fee at the time of joining at the rate specified.
- Membership payments are payable monthly in advance. Members may prepay for annual 12-month membership – the full amount to be paid prior to membership start date. Monthly subscription runs from the 1st of each month. Payment of monthly membership can only be made by Direct Debit from a UK bank account. Monthly instalments and additional monthly charges are debited on the 1st (or next working day) of each month.
- Members must keep the Club informed of their up to date contact details.
- All communications shall be presumed to have been received within 5 days of the postmarked date, or ‘sent’ date if via email.
- All membership fees are reviewed annually usually on the 1st January, members will be notified of any changes by email or by post giving one full calendar months’ notice.
- The Company reserves the right to refuse a membership application from any applicant for any reason.
- A photo must be taken at the time of joining or before the first entry to the club. Entry will not be permitted without a photo of the member in question.
- Membership is non-transferable and non-refundable.
- If any monthly fees or charges incurred are not paid when they fall due, the company reserves the right to temporarily refuse the member access to the club until such time as full payment has been made. If any monthly fees or charges incurred are not paid within 30 days after they are due, the club shall have the right to demand payment in full. If such amounts are not paid within 15 days after such demand, membership shall be terminated and the club may pursue any rights it may have to recover the unpaid amount. The Club reserves the right to refer any missed payments to a debt collection agency and will charge you a fee, in respect of failed subscription payments and/or collection letters sent to you in respect of unpaid amounts.
- Upon termination of membership, no refund of the admin fee, monthly fees or other fees shall be issued.
- To re-join the Club after a termination of membership, any unpaid subscriptions must be cleared, a new membership agreement completed and the prevailing admin fee may be charged.
- Should you wish to transfer your membership to a different Third Space club, a transfer fee may be payable and your monthly fee will be amended to reflect your new club’s rate. If you transfer clubs within the first 3 months of your membership, you will be required to pay the difference between the joining fee paid when joining your original club and the prevailing joining free at the club you are transferring to (no refunds payable if this is less than originally paid).
- Should you wish to make a change to your membership subscription e.g. upgrade to all clubs, transfer to a different location, downgrade to one club only (where possible), request needs to be submitted by 24th of the month to take effect for the following month.
This page (together with the documents referred to on it) tells you the terms of use on which you may make use of our website www.thirdspace.london (our site), whether as a guest or a registered user. Please read these terms of use carefully before you start to use the site. By using our site, you indicate that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please refrain from using our site.
Third Space is the trading name of subsidiaries of Third Space Holdings Limited (a company registered in England and Wales with registration no 05538574 and registered office at 16-19 Canada Square, London E14 5ER)
Access to our site is permitted on a temporary basis, and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend the service we provide on our site without notice (see below). We will not be liable if for any reason our site is unavailable at any time or for any period.
From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of our site, or our entire site, to users who have registered with us.
If you choose, or you are provided with, a user identification code, password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any third party. We have the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these terms of use.
You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to our site. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our site through your internet connection are aware of these terms, and that they comply with them.
All information found on this website is only to inform you about Third Space and its subsidiaries and associates. Third Space will take reasonable care to ensure that at the time information is added to our site it is accurate. All information found on our site is subject to change without prior notice. Third Space cannot guarantee accuracy of all information on our site and will not be held liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered in relying on the information on our site or from other material found on the Internet found via weblinks from our site. This does not affect our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, nor our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter, nor any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. The information on our site is provided without any warranty or implied term of any kind, including but not limited to any implied warranties or implied terms of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. All such implied terms and warranties are hereby excluded.
Our site may offer links to other websites. However Third Space assumes no responsibility for the contents of these websites and may have no control over the content of these sites. The use of links to other websites does not mean that Third Space endorses, approves or sponsors any material or service found on these websites. Any contract for goods or services entered into with these websites will be made with the owners/controllers of those websites and not with Third Space.
All pages of our site are protected by copyright. No information found on our site may be modified, copied, distributed, transmitted, displayed, reproduced, published, licensed, used to create derivative works from, transferred or sold in any form.
Those wishing to use a link to our site from another website must gain prior written permission from Third Space.
Our site is purely for personal and non commercial use. You may access and download any of the contents and store it on a temporary basis for your own personal use. You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.
You must not establish a link from any website that is not owned by you.
Our site must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.
If you wish to make any use of material on our site other than that set out above, please address your request to marketing@thirdspace.londonAll other intellectual property rights, moral rights and equivalent rights wheresoever arising in the contents of our site are hereby asserted and reserved.
Third Space reserves the right to, without notice: a) Assign the benefit of this contract to a third party, without notice. b) Terminate your access to our site at any time
You must not misuse our site by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our site, the server on which our site is stored or any server, computer or database connected to our site.
You must not attack our site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack.
By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our site will cease immediately.We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of our site or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.
We may revise these terms of use at any time by amending this page. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we made, as they are binding on you. Some of the provisions contained in these terms of use may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our site.
The English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from, or related to, a visit to our site although we retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.
These terms of use and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.