1 Week of Strongman Workouts


1 Week of Strongman Workouts

If you haven’t been to visit the new Yard training space over in Canary Wharf yet, why not? Hurry. Run. And strap on a weight vest while you’re at it. In the words of Men’s Health Fitness Editor, Michael Jennings, “It’s the coolest training space I’ve seen in London.”

The only problem is, when you get there – what to do? The sheer size and scale of the functional training options available between the racks, tracks and peg boards will fill your head with so many ideas, you won’t know where to start. Which is where Elite Trainer Luke Barnsley comes in. Here he details your first week of workouts so you can maximise the space from the off.

This stuff needs no further introduction. We’re too excited to get in there and get going.Screenshot these sessions and follow our lead.

Day 1

A1. DeadLift
5 sets of 5 reps
Tempo: 1:0:X:0
Rest: 180-300s
This is conventional Barbell DeadLift. Perform 3 warm up sets before starting your 5 sets of 5 reps. Lift with a neutral spine at all times and do not perform ‘touch and go’ reps

B1. Pendlay Row w/ Log
4 sets of 8 to 10 reps
Tempo: 1:0:X:0
Rest: 90-120s
The best way to check the form on this exercise is YouTube. The log fill be on the floor and you will be hinged at the hip over it. With a neutral spine, grip and rip the log from the floor into your stomach. As the log contacts the belly button, maksure you squeeze your shoulder blades. Your abs must always be braced.

C1. Heavy, HardStyle KettleBell Swings
4 sets of 12-15 reps
Make sure you are comfortable with KettleBell Swings before attempting. This is a dynamic, ballistic movement executed with maximum tension in the abs and glutes.

D1. 8min Sled Drag Max Lengths
As simple and horrible as it sounds. Set a timer for 8 minutes and attach a TRX to the sled. Walk backwards down the sled track whilst dragging the sled. The weight should be so much that you cannot run or canter with the sled.

Optional Finisher:
3 Max Rep Sets of Kroc Rows (on each side)
This finisher is optional, but advised. Use the new Plyo boxes to stabilise your torso with your free arm. With the working arm row the Dumbell backwards for as many reps as you can. Use everything you have got left, also don’t be afraid to use a bit of ‘body English’ to get the later reps. Eg. Cheating is allowed.

Day 2
A1. Log Press
5 sets of 5 reps
Tempo: 1:0:X:0
Rest: 180-300s
Exactly same coaching points as regular barbell overhead press, except you will be using the Log. This means you will need to Clean the Log into the rack position at the start of each set.

B1. Barbell Floor Press
4 sets of 8 to 10 reps
Tempo: 2:0:1:0
Rest: 90-120s
Standard Barbell Floor Press Done for 4 sets of 8 to 10 reps. You should get a good Chest and Tricep pump from this one.

C1. Heavy Single Arm KettleBell Push Jerk
4 sets of 8 to 10 reps
An excellent exercise to have in your arsenal. If you are unsure of the push jerk, sub out for a Push Press.

D1. 8min Sled Push max lengths
As before. Set a timer for 8 minutes, load up the sled and this time push it for as many lengths as possible. A steady march that burns the quads is what we are looking for.

Optional Finisher:
3 sets of Max Reps Sets of weighted vest push ups
As simple as it sounds. The conventional push up, done whilst wearing our weighted vests for as many reps as possible.


Day 3
A1. Back Squat
5 sets of 5 reps
Tempo: 2:0:X:0
Rest: 180-300s
Conventional back squat. Use the low bar variation and shift some real weight! Make sure all reps are to depth.

B1. Atlas ball toss
4 sets of 8 to 10 reps
Set a barbell in a rack at belly button height. At the far side place a crash mat. Clean the atlas ball and rest it on the knees. With your arms wrapped around the ball drive the hips forward explosively and launch the atlas ball over the barbell and onto the mat.

C1. KettleBell Double Rack Front Squat
4 sets of 12 to 15 reps
Clean two matching kettlebells into the front rack position and squat low.

D1. 8min Farmers Carry Max Lengths
As horrible as it sounds. Set up the handles and walk back and forth for 8 minutes. Don’t turn around whilst holding the handles. DeadLift them down, turn yourself 180 degrees, then DeadLift them back up and go back the other way. For weight you should start with 1/2 BodyWeight in each hand and aim to work up to BodyWeight in each hand

Optional Finisher:
Atlas Ball Squat Tabata as close to body weight as possible. 8 sets of 20 seconds w/ 10 seconds rest between sets.
A horrible finisher. Clean the atlas ball to your stomach height and hold it in a ‘bear hug’ position. Squat max reps for 20 seconds, then drop the ball and rest 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times. As you advance, try to keep hold of the ball during the ‘rest’ phases.


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