Third Space PT Will Luckham-Down
Third Space PT Will Luckham-Down

Will has 8 years of elite sporting experience anda BSc in Sports Performance from the University Of Bath, which have shaped the way he coaches today. His understanding and experience of a strong coach-athlete relationship helps him motivate and inspire his clients to reach their goals.


Muscle Gain
Body Composition and Fat Loss
Swimming Specific Training
TRX Training


BSc Sports Performance
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Level 2 Gym Instructor
Swimming Coach
Ex National Swimmer


Will believes that the gym is a great place to build both physical and mental strength. Regardless of fitness level, Will aims to always aid the continual development of his clients. With a background of being a National Swimmer, Will knows all about pushing towards goals and being the best person you can be.


“I think I’m actually fitter than I have ever been. He makes Training Fun and encourages me to push myself. I always feel safe and look forward to the sessions.”


Helen G Z

Training for life