Third Space PT Guilherme Bastos

Gui Bastos

Gui is a firm believer in walking the walk and inspires his clients to believe in themselves while instilling the idea that with the right amount of dedication and determination, anything is possible.
With an Army background and achievements in various sports from football, track and field, Brazilian capoeira, gymnastics, power-lifting and bodybuilding, fitness is no doubt in his blood.

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Strength Training
Body Building
Functional Training
Weight Loss
Special Populations


Level 3 Certified Personal Trainer
Hypopressive Exercises
Advanced Kettlebell, Barbell, Macebell and Clubbell
LDNM Nutrition


Gui has amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience from training Army personnel in Brazil, to working in two of the most prestigious gyms in Dubai. His client base has been extremely diverse, with varying goals and expectations. He prides himself on adapting his approach in order to achieve the results of his clients and implements a four-pronged approach incorporating mobility, strength, agility and power into their programs, while striving to keep them motivated and engaged.

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